Главная » 2012 » Март » 31 » С днём геолога!
С днём геолога!
День Геолога — профессиональный праздник геологов, гидрогеологов, инженер-геологов, геофизиков, геохимиков традиционно отмечаемый в первое воскресенье апреля. Учреждён Указом Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 31 марта 1966 г. в ознаменование заслуг советских геологов в создании минерально-сырьевой базы страны. Поводом для учреждения стало открытие в 1966 г. первых месторождений Западно-Сибирской нефтегазоносной провинции.

Время проведения праздника — первое воскресенье апреля — было выбрано потому, что окончание зимы знаменует начало подготовки летних полевых работ и экспедиций.

День геолога отмечается практически во всех геологических и добывающих организациях бывшего Советского Союза. Кроме геологов его считают своим профессиональным праздником маркшейдеры,геофизики, взрывники, проходчики шахт и все те люди, которые занимаются поиском и добычей полезных ископаемых.
Просмотров: 9783 | Добавил: admin | Теги: геология | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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3 AlbertWah  
The prostate gland is the central part of a male's the reproductive system. It secretes fluids that assisted in the transportation and activation of sperm. The men's prostate can be found just in front of the rectum, below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. When there is prostate problem, it will always be very uncomfortable and inconvenient for that patient as his urinary product is directly affected.

The common prostate health problems are prostate infection, enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

Prostate infection, often known as prostatitis, is the most common prostate-related symptom in men younger than 55 years of age. Infections from the prostate are classified into four types - acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic abacterial prostatitis and prosttodynia.

Acute bacterial prostatitis may be the least common of most types of prostate infection. It is a result of bacteria perfectly located at the large intestines or urinary tract. Patients may go through fever, chills, body aches, back pains and urination problems. This condition is treated by using antibiotics or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help remedy the swelling.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is really a condition of a particular defect inside the gland along with the persistence presence of bacteria in the urinary tract. It can be caused by trauma for the urinary tract or by infections received from other regions with the body. A patient may feel testicular pain, back pains and urination problems. Although it is uncommon, it may be treated by removal in the prostate defect then making use antibiotics and NSAIDs to take care of the redness.

Non-bacterial prostatitis is the reason approximately 90% coming from all prostatitis cases; however, researchers have not even to establish the cause of these conditions. Some researchers think that chronic non-bacterial prostatitis occur as a result of unknown infectious agents while other believe that intensive exercise and high lifting could cause these infections.

Maintaining a Healthy Prostate

To prevent prostate diseases, a suitable meals are important. These are some from the things you can do to maintain your prostate healthy.

1. Drink sufficient water. Proper hydration is necessary for our health and wellbeing and it'll also maintain your urinary track clean.

2. Some studies claim that a number of ejaculations per week will prevent prostate cancer.

3. Eat red meat without excess. It has been shown that consuming a lot more than four meals of beef a week will increase the chance of prostate diseases and cancer.

4. Maintain an effective diet with cereals, vegetable and fruits to be sure sufficient intake of nutrients essential for prostate health.

The most important measure to take to make sure a proper prostate is to select regular prostate health screening. If you are forty years old and above, you must select prostate examination at least once a year.

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